Weekly Bouquet Subscription

from $130.00

All start dates are contingent on the weather and harvest cooperating.  We’ll send an email confirming the start date as it gets closer.

A flower CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) works just the same as the ever-popular vegetable CSA, but instead of picking up a weekly box of vegetables, you receive a large, floral bouquet fresh from our flower farm each week. Subscribing to a prepaid flower share is a great way to support local farmers by investing early in the season, helping to support the farm with upfront costs like seeds, compost, etc. In return for your investment, you receive fresh, beautiful blooms every week.  Over the course of the season, you can expect sunflowers, snapdragons, peonies, zinnias, celosia, dahlias, along with many others. You can be assured that our flowers are planted and harvested with thoughtful love and care!

Sessions 1 and 2 are six weeks long, Session 3 is four weeks.

The Fine Print –

Flower subscription pick-up days are Thursdays, from 3-6 p.m. They will be available in a cooler on the front porch. Just swing by and grab and go. No need to even ring the doorbell!  All prepaid subscriptions are non-refundable. If you have to miss a week for any reason, we suggest gifting your bouquet to a friend or loved one. Bouquets not picked up during the predetermined time frame will be donated. If you have a conflict with a pick-up time a particular week, please contact me to make another arrangement. 

Unforeseen circumstances –

Farming can be unpredictable despite the best of plans. There are many variables that can affect flower crops. If our harvest is affected for any reason, we have a local flower co-op and may occasionally source from other local growers. This ensures you will still get fresh, locally grown flowers for that week.

CSA Session:
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